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Lesson 17:

  • Use the Manufacturing data (from Problem 1 on p. 549)
    • The Indicator variables made the regression model weaker in terms of the Significance and the F test.  The Dummy Indicator really didn’t change the R^2 or the T stats and P values.

Man. Indicator 4

  • Use the Annual Food Spending data (from Problem 4 on p. 549)
    • The impact of the Indicator variables was that it made the regression model weaker in the f and signicance test also showed that the T stats and P values significantly change.  The Indicators really didn’t help the Regression Model.  The indicators that I used were Location 1, and Region 1. (which were the best selection within the indicators.
  • Consumer Ind. 1 and 1


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Lesson 16:

More Multiple Regression:

Database #1:
This Regression Model is from the Manufacturing Database to predict Cost of Materials by Number of Employees, New Capital Expenditures, Value Added by Manufacture, and End of Year Inventories.  The model is somewhat strong; as the r-squared is .609; the f test and the significance are at decent levels.  Some of the variables are stronger predictors then others as you can see in the t-stat and the p value; the best predictor is the value added by Manufacture.

Database 1

Database #2:

Regression Model using the financial database:  This regression model is weak! The variables that seem to be the best predictors are the Dividends per Share and the Total Assets.  As you can see the r-squared is very low; the f test and the significance are weak.

Database 2

Database #3:  International Stock Market Database:

This regression model is fairly significant; and med-strong.  The r-squared; the f-test and the significance of f are all med-strong.  There are a few predictors that are better than others, the predictors that are good for this regression model are:  the FTSE; DJIA; and the Hang Seng.

Database 3

Database #4:

Annual Food Spending by Annual Income and Non-Mortgage Household Debt Regression Model.  The model is decent in strength.  The f test is really good, and so is the significance of f.  The predictor that seems stronger is the annual household income; because its T-stat and P value were better, when I ran a regression model for just the annual household income and the annual food spending the regression model didn’t change very much.

Database 4

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Lesson 14:

Lesson 14:  Estimate Pueblo County Votes by Candidate

Pueblo County:

 56,443 voters in Pueblo County

Democrat: 30,874
Other: 2060

Fremont County:

16,239 voters in Fremont County

Democrat: 5,359
Other: 487

City and County of Broomfield:

 20,791 voters in City and County in Broomfield

Democrat: 10,728
Other: 561

 Saguache County:

2,170 voters in Saguache County

Democrat: 1,312
Other: 114

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Lesson 13:

Election Forecasting Project Part 1: Estimate Voter Turnout: 2014

Pueblo County:

Population:  161,451
24% of Population cannot vote: Under 18; non citizens; and convicted felons.  =38,784
161,451-38,784 =122,703 Eligible voters.

Estimated that 46% of eligible voters will vote.  122703* .46 = 56,443 voters in Pueblo County

Fremont County:

Population:  46,451
24% of Population cannot vote: Under 18; non citizens; and convicted felons.  =11,148
46,451-11,148 = 35,303 eligible voters.

Estimated that 46% of eligible voters will vote.  35,303* .46 = 16,239 voters in Fremont County

City and County of Broomfield:

Population: 59,471
24% of Population cannot vote: Under 18; non citizens; and convicted felons.  =14,273
59,471-14,273= 45,198 Eligible Voters.

Estimated that 46% of eligible voters will vote.  45,198* .46 = 20,791 voters in City and County in Broomfield

 Saguache County:

Population:  6,208
24% of Population cannot vote: Under 18; non citizens; and convicted felons.  =1,480
6,208-1,480= 4718 eligible voters.

Estimated that 46% of eligible voters will vote.  4,718* .46 =        2,170 voters in Saguache County

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